Objectives of the Infant Program
Welcome to the wonderful world of infancy! Your child will be growing and changing every day! We are ready to partner with you for the best of your child.
The educational methods used by the program will be developed and evaluated annually in writing by a staff person qualified as a teacher. Children will be supervised at all times.
Children’s early attachments have an influence on their brain development. Staff will create a safe and healthy environment by being warm, loving, and responsive to children’s cues. Each child has different schedules reflective of their own personalities.
Goals of the infant program
- To care for children in a warm, affectionate way that lets each child know that (s)he is a special person, including the physical affection and cuddling that is so important at this stage of development.
- To meet each child’s physical needs as completely as possible.
- To implement strict sanitation procedures that are adhered to faithfully.
- To provide opportunities for exploring, learning and social interacttion through a variety of developmental appropriate daily activities.
- To prepare activities to stimulate the senses recognizing that children learn through the use of their eyes, ears, fingers, sense of taste and smell.
- To care for children in small groups; to prevent over-stimulation and disorder, and to provide opportunities for one-to-one interactions between children and staff.
- To provide opportunity for the use of large and small motor skills with both indoor and outdoor activities.
- To establish a safe environment for exploration.
- To provide a consistency between child care and home care practices that will be most beneficial to the child and will offer the parents an opportunity to influence the kind of care that their child receives.
- To provide a daily report on each child’s toileting, eating, and social behaviors.
- To be supportive of parents encouraging involvement, encouraging open and honest communication while using tact and discretion.
- To model God’s love to each child.