Wednesday Night Workshop,

Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm during the School Year, (known in olden days as “Confirmation” or “Catechism”) helps fulfill some of the promises made at a child’s baptism: “To teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments.”

Over the course of two years (typically grades 7 & 8), WNW engages students, families, pastor and staff in a variety of experiences to meet a diversity of learning styles: scripture study, small group discussion, servant events, and active worship participation. The WNW experience concludes with a public Affirmation of Baptism at worship in the fall of the 9th-grade year.

Special Events such as sledding, skating, game nights, and movie nights are held periodically.

Central Youth

Upcoming Student Trips:

Duluth Mission Trip: 6-12th graders are invited to join us June 16-21 as we travel to Duluth, MN with the organization “YouthWorks” to grow in faith by serving our neighbors. We will be doing service work in the community of Duluth.

National Youth Gathering (NYG): 9-12th graders are invited to journey with us to New Orleans, LA where we will join tens of thousands of other Lutheran high schoolers to worship, serve and fellowship together. The NYG is sure to be a time of discovery, reflection and meaningful experiences that will deepen the relationships and faith life of our students. The This year’s theme is “Created To Be” and will be held from July 16-20 in New Orleans.

Please use this Sign-up Genius link to volunteer to serve on fundraising for either of our upcoming student trips.
