Toddler Classroom Objectives

Our fascinating world of Toddlers!  At this stage of life the children are becoming more independent and more social, but they still need a lot of staff attention and individual time.  You will see children blossoming as their verbal skills explode and begin to learn shapes, letters, counting, friendships and more.  Toddlers will be experiencing new adventures and learning opportunities.

The educational methods used by the program will be developed and evaluated annually in writing by a staff person qualified as a teacher.  Children will be supervised at all times.

The Center seeks to provide a safe and healthy environment with caregivers that are warm, loving and responsive to children’s cues.  A daily schedule of activities will be posted for parents.  The program will provide activities that are both quiet and active, teacher directed and child initiated.  Activities will be designed to promote the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of a child in a manner consistent with the child’s cultural background.

The Central Lutheran Church Childcare Program will provide daily access to interest areas that have equipment and materials that meet the child’s needs.  These interest areas are creative arts and crafts, construction, dramatic or practical life activities, science, music, fine motor activities, large muscle activities or sensory stimulation activities.  Activities that require the use of varied equipment and materials will also be provided.  These materials will be available to parents for their review upon request.

The intellectual, physical, social and emotional progress of each child will be documented in the child’s record and conveyed to the parent during bi-annual conferences.


Goals of the Toddler program


  • Provide activities to meet each child’s physical needs as completely as possible.  The child will participate in indoor and out door activities on a daily basis, weather permitting.   Some activities may include:  ball play, riding tricycles, climbing on large muscle equipment and movement to music.
  • To provide opportunities for exploring and learning through a variety of daily activities to further develop cognitive skills.  The child will be given time to play with manipulatives to challenge himself or herself.  Some activities may include:  reading books, completing puzzles, creating art projects, and playing with age appropriate manipulatives.
  • To provide opportunities to increase the child’s social development.  The child will participate in activities to increase his or her social interaction with other children.  Some activities may include: circle time activities, opportunity for dramatic play, large and small group games.
  • To provide a safe and nurturing environment that develops each child’s emotional development.  Some activities may include: participating in circle time; games; reading books; and bonding with teachers, Staff and peers.
  • To instruct and teach children about God’s love for them by treating each child with respect.  Some activities may include: reading Christian story books and Bible story books, craft projects, holiday observances and other activities which include a Christian theme.