Opportunities to Serve in Worship
Acolytes help set the mood for worship by lighting candles and assisting in serving communion.
Altar Guild members lovingly prepare the communion table by setting out the linens, vessels, bread, and wine for Holy Communion. Altar Guild then clears and cleans up after worship.
Assisting Ministers are thoughtful Masters-of-Ceremony at worship. They assist the pastor by overseeing the details: acolytes, lectors, communion setup, leading the Prayers.
Bread Bakers – Baking communion bread is simple, but much appreciated, and is a great way to contribute.
Children’s Sermon – Do you love children? Or educating children? Then you could prepare a children’s sermon! You would prepare a 3-5 minute talk about the gospel text designed for children in grades PK-6.
Communion Assistants help by serving the wine during communion. “The blood of Christ, shed for you” is spoken as each person takes a cup from the tray.
Fellowship Host/Hostess makes coffee and either makes or buys treats to share in between services (from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM). It is best to start setting up by 9:00.
Lectors (Readers) proclaim the First & Second readings at worship.
Ushers & Greeters – It’s all about hospitality and creating a welcoming, friendly atmosphere. Ushers often help serve communion as well.
Video Recordists control the camera and video equipment to record and live-stream each service for scheduled broadcasting.
Opportunities to Serve in Community
Children and Teen Volunteers – We are looking for volunteers to serve as Sunday School teachers, Sunday School helpers, and Confirmation/WNW guides on Wednesday evenings.
Rock the Block – The Habitat Interfaith Committee is bringing Rock the Block to Winona on Sat. 8/27/22 from 9 a.m. to noon in the CLC parking lot. Volunteers, faith groups, and corporate partners will rally the community to repair and refresh homes for local neighbors, building on a vision where everyone has a safe, affordable place to live.